We talked this Sunday about the challenges that come when we live in a culture that is completely consumed with technology.  If you haven’t yet watched the message, we recommend that you take the time to do that first by visiting this link: Digital Christian.

Questions to Review

A part of this week’s message contained five questions that we need to ask of ourselves to evaluate how we are doing with technology:

  1. Is my use of technology harming my family?
  2. Am I addicted to technology in any way?
  3. Do I show my love for God based on how I spend my time?
  4. Do I love God’s church and participate in its mission?
  5. Do I have real world relationships that keep me in check in my spiritual life?

We believe that every person should take a day and pray about the answers to these questions, so that God can reveal areas that you should grow in.


Based on how you answered the questions listed here, you may have action items that you need to take.  We have listed some of the biggest concerns here along with resources to help you as you work through them.

I need to adjust how I spend my time.

If you find yourself feeling convicted about how you spend your time, you should take time to read The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by Pastor John Mark Comer.  This book will challenge you to revisit with Jesus has called us to as well as how we find rest in him.

In addition to this book, we would recommend the following:

  • Take time for a digital detox.  Start with a single day.  Take a day (maybe a Sunday) and set aside all of your devices.  If you are a spouse and/or parent, this works best if you do this in collaboration with the rest of your family.  Once you make it through the first detox day, find ways to make this a regular and recurring habit.
  • Set expectations with work colleagues.  Most everyone who works in front of a screen struggles with device time, so in most cases everyone understands if you need to put some boundaries in place.

I’m worried for how tech is harming my family.

We recommend that your first step for dealing with the challenges of technology is your family is making sure that you are obedient to what God is calling you to.  However, we know that concerns around technology are huge within families at ChristWay (and all over our country).  There are two books that we would recommend, The Tech-wise Family and My Tech-wise Life.  The first book is focused for parents while the second book is ideal for parents to read alongside their teens.

In addition to these books, we recommend the following steps for families:

  • Establish boundaries for devices (that parents follow too).  There needs to be times and places where digital devices are not allowed.  Some families choose to put up devices an hour before bed, to ensure that there is some quality family time.  Also, many families do not allow digital devices in bedrooms.  The books mentioned in this section can both help you put these boundaries in place.
  • Understand that devices have consequences. Some parents jump to get their kids a smartphone (such as an iPhone or Android-based phone) as their first device.  Giving our kids a device like this without proper boundaries is like giving your kid the car keys without teaching them to drive.  Until you can set aside time to teach and educate your child on what they should do with the device, hold off on giving it to them.

I’m struggling with secret sin.

If you are struggling with secret sin, God wants you find freedom in Christ.  Secret sin through technology can take many forms: pornography, sexting, inappropriate relationships, etc… While there are many resources (some of which we will list below), we want you to contact us, so that we can find a time to talk to you directly. Just simply message us and let us know that you would like to speak with someone about a concern God has put on your heart.

Here are books and resources that can help if you are struggling with pornography:

Need something we haven’t covered?

Everyone’s challenge with technology is different.  You may be struggling with something we did not cover in this post.  Please contact us and we will help you work through the next steps that you need to take.


I hope that all of you spend time with God this week, and that you continue to ask yourselves the questions listed here.  Remember, it is God who is working in the life of the believer, and there is more peace the closer you get to Him.