We know visiting new places can be awkward and intimidating. If you will let us know you're coming, we'll meet you, help you find your way around and provide you with any other information you might want.
See you soon!
Get ready to experience church in a different way. You'll find high-energy music and video in an out-of the-box worship experience. God's Word is regarded as absolute and delivered in a creative way, but it is never watered down. We seek to be relevant to today's world and to honor God with excellence in the worship experience.

What should I wear?
Wear whatever you want. Mostly, you'll see people dressed casually wearing even jeans and flip flops, but you may find a few dressed in suits and ties. Just be comfortable!
What will my kids do?
Each week, we have an exciting kid's program from infants through 5th grade. Children enjoy age appropriate games, learning activities and music in a safe environment. Check in your preschoolers at "The Big Wahoo" and your elementary aged children at "The Tree House."
More About K!DSWhat about my teens?
Teens will enjoy the relevant, energetic worship experience with you. There's also LifeGroup on Sunday mornings for your students to dig deeper into God's Word and to build relationships with others. Most of our students attend worship at 8:15 AM and then participate in a LifeGroup at 9:45 AM.
More About Students
What if I need prayer or want to talk to someone?
Each Sunday morning, "The Living Room" is staffed with caring people who will listen to you, explain how to become a Christian or pray with you. While they aren't able to provide counseling, they will offer encouragement and care. You can find "The Living Room" directly beside the Worship Center, near Connection Central.
Periodically, Discovering ChristWay is offered as an opportunity for you to find out more about the vision and direction of the church. You’ll find out more on the philosophy of ministry, opportunities to serve, ways to connect, and you’ll get to tour the campus, ask your questions and even share a little bit of your story. Join us for one of these informational classes, and then you can decide about partnering with ChristWay.
We believe that baptism is an outward expression of an inward change; it is symbolic of salvation and not a part of salvation. Only those who have made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord should be baptized. We believe the biblical model of Jesus teaches a baptism by immersion.
Yes. ChristWay Community Church observes the Lord’s Supper several times a year, and we invite anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as his/her personal Lord and Savior to participate.