Read: Matthew 27:57-66

Point: When it seemed all hope was lost, God was preparing a miracle.

Holy Week: Friday late afternoon


Devotional: Have you ever watched a movie where you had no idea how it could possibly end well?  Maybe the main character is up against some enemy or situation that he can’t possibly win against. In those moments, it seems like all hope is lost.

I believe that the disciples felt that hope was lost on Friday evening. The one they had followed for years was now dead.  How could this possibly end well? In just a few days, they went from palm branches being laid before Jesus to seeing Jesus himself laid in a tomb.  They likely thought this was the end of this tragic story.

How often have you felt this way in your own life?  How often have you ended up in times where you were so sad, that you weren’t sure you could be happy again?  This part of Holy Week is a reminder that God is still working, even when we don’t see it.


Pray: Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to die for my sins. Thank You for working in my life even in moments when I don’t understand how You are working.  Help me to trust in You, even in times of sadness.


Family Activity: 

Get a box, wrapping paper supplies or a gift bag and some paper and pens. Give each person a piece of paper on  which to write or draw what it means to you when you think about Jesus’ sacrifice that we can be rescued from sin. Then place the paper in the gift box or bag.  Wrap the gift to symbolize that Jesus was offering us the greatest gift EVER–all we have to do is reach out and accept His gift of salvation. If there are people in your family who are followers of Jesus, they should share that moment they accepted the gift of salvation and how amazing that was.  If someone has not accepted the gift of salvation and wants to, talk about it together. If you need help please reach out to us via email or at church tonight.If someone does accept the greatest gift, please share with us so we can rejoice with you.