ChristWay is a body of believers madly in love with Jesus. In everything we do, we want to always point people to Jesus and His great love for them. Our methods are sometimes unconventional, but our theology is conservative and entirely dependent on the Bible. We are focused on teaching biblical truth, investing in families, and reaching the world with the love of Jesus.

At ChristWay we believe that there are core beliefs that are at the center of following Christ. The following is a basic (and not comprehensive) list of these core beliefs.
We believe that there is one true God, and He created all of heaven and earth.
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and is both true and authoritative.
Anything that we do that is contrary to God is sin.
All of humanity has sinned with the exception of Jesus Christ.
The penalty for sin is death, both physical and spiritual.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is both fully God and fully human.
In dying on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for sin.
Jesus physically rose from the grave and later ascended into heaven.
Only through faith in Jesus Christ can we be saved from our sin, enjoy an abundant life here on earth, and spend eternity with God in heaven.

ChristWay has long been a church on a mission to reach the people of Chattanooga and the world. That mission has resulted in a few strategic moves (and a name change or two along the way). We began in 1887 on McCallie Avenue as "Central Baptist Church." A desire to reach the community of North Brainerd led us to Woodmore Lane as “Central Baptist Church of Woodmore.” In 2001 the church was called to Ooltewah and began meeting at Hunter Middle School as “ChristWay Community Church” and, in God’s perfect timing, found a more permanent location (where we are today) in what was once the “Arnold Palmer Golf Company.”
In retrospect, it’s easy to see the hand of God at work though each move, making our purpose clear and our mission well-defined. We know that the church is not a building but rather the group of people who worship together, serve together and “do life” together - a body who is called to reach Chattanooga and the world. We feel our approach should be as unique as our calling and we do things differently but our purpose remains the same: to develop people into faithful followers of Jesus Christ.