Read: Luke 19:28-40


Main Idea: God wants people to worship Him with our actions and our words.


Devotional: The crowds were so excited. The crowds praised Jesus, as they were so excited to see Him. One day they would understand more about who Jesus is and the mission He was given. On this day they praised what they did know about Him; He was a miracle worker. He brought the dead to life. He was the promised Messiah, they praised Him for what they did understand.  

We do not always understand everything about who Jesus is and the work He is doing in our lives.  In those moments, we can praise Jesus for what we do understand about Him. What can you praise Jesus for today?


Pray: God we praise You for what we do understand about who You are, and we praise You for being greater than we can fully understand. Amen.


Family Activity: Read Zechariah 9:9 and talk about how it relates to what you read today. This week was planned for thousands of years.  Write on a note card, paper, or dry erase board ways you as individuals or as a family can show Jesus that we love Him and want to give Him praise. Examples could be singing a song of praise together, taking a walk and just praising Him for all that He has made, showing kindness, there is no right or wrong way, He wants what we are willing to give Him.


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