Important Details:

When:  July 7-10, 2024.  Meet at ChristWay Community Church at 6 PM on Sunday, July 7.  We will be back at ChristWay by 4:00 PM on Wednesday, July 10.

Where:  We will be staying at ChristWay Church. Students will be serving local ministries in and around Chattanooga.

What should your student bring?

  • Essentials: Bible, pen, water bottle, notebook, and a great attitude.
  • Snacks: their favorite snacks.
  • Clothing:
    • Modest swimsuit.
    • Clothes for working: PANTS and CLOSED-TOE SHOES are required at all worksites (leggings are not allowed).
    • After work site: Appropriate length shorts are allowed.
  • Sleeping Gear: Air mattress or cot, sheets or sleeping bag, and a pillow.
  • Toiletries: Bring all necessary toiletries and towels/washcloths.

Please ensure your student knows what they need to pack, or check to make sure they have everything necessary.

Registration is closed.