Children are a gift from God, but they come with little to no instructions. How do you raise them to follow God? How do you let others know you want to raise them God’s way? Come make a public stand and let the church support you and celebrate this blessing with you!

What to Expect
Parent-Child Dedication is a special time for parents to affirm their commitment to raising their children in a godly home, one that teaches about Christ and honors Him in actions. At this event, you and your family will be honored with a brunch, a complimentary family photo, and a time of prayer.
The last day to register is Sunday, March 16, 2025.
Late registrations will not be accepted.

What It Is NOT
This event is not infant baptism.
This event is about YOUR commitment, as a parent, to lead your child into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so that as he or she gets older, you are able to guide and to help him or her understand what that means.

*Participants MUST be partners of ChristWay (not just regular attendees).
*Extended family members or friends are welcomed and encouraged to come to the brunch, but you will need to limit your group to no more than ten total members, including your child.
*Complete this online sign up form.
*Look for an informational email from Renae Marcus with your “homework assignment” and plan to complete it and bring it with you to the event.

When completing the registration form you are only registering 1 person (the child being dedicated).  
There will be an additional question where you indicate the total number of people attending.