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Our leaders are eager to see your smiling faces as we learn from God's Word and have tons of fun along the way!



The Big Wahoo at ChristWay Church is a ministry for birth-Preschool aged children. It is designed to provide a safe and loving environment for your child while you are worshiping.

Here, your child will participate in fun, hands-on activities and interactive worship. Children will engage with stories from the Bible, as they discover who God is and lay the foundations for a lifetime of following Jesus.

Parents of Newborns: A mother’s nursing room is available in all three gatherings with a live video of the worship center gathering.

More Information:
ChristWay K!DS Facebook Page
Call or Text: 423.521.2754

The Big Wahoo is open at 8:15, 9:45, & 11:11 AM.

Here's what we're learning in March...

This Month’s Biblical Theme Is: Jesus Cares About Us

Time and time again, Jesus showed that He cared for everyone, regardless of their social standing. Jesus spent His time with the outcasts of society and chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for everyone. 

Monthly Bible Verse: He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7, NIV)

Monthly Big Question: Does Jesus care about us? Always!


Week 1 


Man Born Blind  | Mark 10:46-52

Jesus stops and heals a blind man while He is traveling with His disciples. Jesus shows how much He cares and loves people. 


Week 2 


Good Samaritan  | Luke 10:25-37

Jesus uses a parable to teach a lawyer who his neighbor is. He describes how to show mercy to all people, not just those who are like us. 


Week 3 


Parable of the Rich Fool  | Luke 12:13-21, 32-34

Jesus shares a parable to teach people that the kingdom of God is worth far more than any earthly treasures. 


Week 4 


Jesus Welcomes All  | Luke 18:15-17; 19:1-10

Jesus calls for children to come to Him as He blesses them. Then Jesus spends time with a tax collector who was not well-liked. Jesus shows how He cares for every person no matter who they are or what they have done. 


Week 5 


The Last Supper  | Matthew 26:1-5, 20-35

Jesus shares during the Passover meal that one of His disciples will betray Him. Jesus shares about His coming sacrifice and uses bread and wine to symbolize His body and blood.


For more details about The Big Wahoo, email us.

Other Resources for Parents

Here are some resources that will help you as you lead your children to know just how amazing Jesus is:

ChristWay K!DS Facebook Group

Spotify Playlist for Songs from the Big Wahoo

Parent Cue App



The TreeHouse at ChristWay church is a discipleship based environment for children, kindergarten through third grade. Our time together is packed with large group worship & Bible teaching along with a gospel focused small group time.

Each week:
Kids will experience God’s love through a welcoming community. (Belong)
Kids will discover who God is by engaging with the Bible personally. (Believe)
Kids will experience following Jesus by learning to walk in His ways. (Become)

More Information:
ChristWay K!DS Facebook Page
Call or Text: 423.521.2754

The Tree House is open at 9:45 and 11:11 AM.

Here's what we are learning in March...

This Month’s Biblical Theme Is: Jesus Cares About Us

Time and time again, Jesus showed that He cared for everyone, regardless of their social standing. He paid special attention to the poor and the marginalized. Jesus spent His time with the outcasts of society and chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for everyone. 


Monthly Memory Verse: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7, NIV)


Week 1


Jesus Heals the Blind  |  Mark 10:46-52

A blind beggar named Bartimaeus recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus recognized Bartimaeus’ faith and healed him.

Brite Idea: Jesus hears us and cares. 


Week 2


The Good Samaritan  |  Luke 10:25-37

Jesus told a parable about a man who was robbed. The only person who would help him was a Samaritan. Jesus emphasizes that we should be kind to everyone.
Brite Idea: Jesus teaches us to care about others. 


Week 3 


Parable of the Rich Fool  |  Luke 12:13-21, 32-34

Jesus emphasized the importance of being rich toward God, not just accumulating earthly possessions. Jesus taught that one’s heart is where their treasure is stored.

Brite Idea: Jesus cares about our priorities. 


Week 4 


Jesus Welcomes All  |  Luke 18:15-17; 19:1-10

Despite societal expectations, Jesus welcomed children and those who were despised by society like Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus’ life was transformed by Jesus’ love.

Brite Idea: Jesus cares for everyone.

For more details about The TreeHouse, email us

Other Resources for Parents

Here are some resources that will help you as you lead your children to know just how amazing Jesus is:

ChristWay K!DS Facebook Group

Spotify Playlist for  Songs from the TreeHouse

Parent Cue App



The Escape at ChristWay church is a discipleship-based environment for preteen kids in 4th and 5th grade. Our time together is packed with large group worship & Bible teaching along with a gospel-focused small group time.

Each week:
Kids will experience God’s love through a welcoming community. (Belong)
Kids will discover who God is by engaging with the Bible personally. (Believe)
Kids will experience following Jesus by learning to walk in His Ways. (Become)

More Information:
ChristWay K!DS Facebook Page
Call or Text: 423.521.2754

The Escape is open at 9:45 to 11:11 AM.

Here's what we are learning in March...

This Month’s Biblical Theme Is: Jesus Cares About Us

Time and time again, Jesus showed that He cared for everyone, regardless of their social standing. He paid special attention to the poor and the marginalized. Jesus spent His time with the outcasts of society and chose to be the ultimate sacrifice for everyone. 


Monthly Memory Verse: Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7, NIV)


Week 1


Jesus Heals the Blind  |  Mark 10:46-52

A blind beggar named Bartimaeus recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus recognized Bartimaeus’ faith and healed him.

Brite Idea: Jesus hears us and cares. 


Week 2


The Good Samaritan  |  Luke 10:25-37

Jesus told a parable about a man who was robbed. The only person who would help him was a Samaritan. Jesus emphasizes that we should be kind to everyone.
Brite Idea: Jesus teaches us to care about others. 


Week 3 


Parable of the Rich Fool  |  Luke 12:13-21, 32-34

Jesus emphasized the importance of being rich toward God, not just accumulating earthly possessions. Jesus taught that one’s heart is where their treasure is stored.

Brite Idea: Jesus cares about our priorities. 


Week 4 


Jesus Welcomes All  |  Luke 18:15-17; 19:1-10

Despite societal expectations, Jesus welcomed children and those who were despised by society like Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus’ life was transformed by Jesus’ love.

Brite Idea: Jesus cares for everyone.

For more details about The Escape, email us.

Other Resources for Parents

Here are some resources that will help you as you lead your children to know just how amazing Jesus is:

ChristWay K!DS Facebook Group

Spotify Playlist for  Songs from the TreeHouse

Parent Cue App


What are the steps for my elementary aged child to be baptized?

At ChristWay, we believe that baptism is an outward expression of an inward change; it is symbolic of salvation and not a part of salvation. Only those who have made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord should be baptized.  We recommend that children be eight or older before they are baptized because by that age they are more likely to be able to understand and articulate for themselves their need for salvation and their decision to accept Christ.

Two classes are required for elementary aged kids before baptism:

1) StartHere – offered quarterly, this class is for parents WITH their children.  This is a 30 minute class that presents the salvation message in kid friendly verbiage.  We also provide tons of parent resources for continuing the conversation at home.  The StartHere class is a mandatory prerequisite before an elementary aged child can attend the baptism class.

2) K!DS Baptism class – this class is offered before each baptism at ChristWay.  This class is for elementary aged kids who have made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and are wishing to publicly proclaim that decision.  Kids attend this class while their parents attend the adult baptism class.

How do you help keep children safe at church?

ChristWay K!DS takes safety very seriously when it comes to your children. Before children even arrive, every toy and environment gets cleaned and sanitized and every volunteer is screened with an interview and federal background check.

When you arrive on campus, all children are checked in and parents receive a tag with a unique code that matches only to their child. This tag must be shown upon checkout.  There is  only one way in and one way out of each environment, and adults are not allowed in after the gathering starts.

In addition, both The Big Wahoo and The TreeHouse are able to lock down in just a few seconds with trained safety personnel and their leaders who know the plan for any of emergency. We also have a trained medical volunteer on call every Sunday.

Our whole team — from staff members to small group leaders to safety personnel — are trained to keep your kids safe.

What if I'm not ready to leave my children in the Kids' Ministry?

ChristWay loves kids and has an amazing ministry for them; however if your child is still young or just not feeling up to being away from you, we have an area called the Retreat Zone. It’s located in the Worship Center, directly in front of the Sound Booth, and a Frontline Volunteer can help you get seated there.  Should you find your child needs your attention, we encourage you to slip out quickly and allow a Frontline volunteer to assist you, if needed.

What if my child needs my attention?

Our check-in system can alert you if your child needs attention. Located within The Big Wahoo, we have a Mother’s Room where you can comfort or nurse your child  in a private environment and still watch the worship gathering via a television.

Can you accommodate my child with special needs?

Yes! The goal of the special needs ministry is to create an environment for everyone to safely participate on Sunday morning, as well as in LifeGroups and all ministry events that the church offers, so that each individual has an equal opportunity to be presented with the Gospel and grow in his or her relationship with Christ.

Click Here To Learn More 


Why do people die? Where do I go when I die? Why did Jesus die on the cross? How can Jesus be part of my life when I can’t see Him? How did He get out of the tomb and is He really alive?

Has you child ever asked you any of these questions? If you are like most parents, your hands start to sweat, because you feel like “I don’t want to answer this wrong or scare them away from wanting to know more.” Well, you are not alone! This is the part of parenting for which we had no training.  Before we even left the hospital, others showed us how to change a diaper and give a bottle. Salvation, though, is HUGE! Where is the manual for helping our kids with that?

Kids are so curious and have such tender, trusting hearts. Jesus knew this and told us to have the faith of a child.  Sometimes we, as adults, make it harder than it needs to be. When a child begins to ask questions, it may only be the early stages of acquiring more information. Answer what your child asks and do not give more information than he is seeking. Do not jump to conclusions but do speak in clear terms and ask follow-up questions. Both the child and the Holy Spirit should be in the driver’s seat, setting the pace and course for the discussion. The “big event” occurs at different ages for individual children since each child is unique in his relationship with God. Here are some simple questions to consider as you talk to your children. The child must understand:

  • Who is Jesus?
  • Why did Jesus come?
  • What did Jesus do?
  • Why should I become a believer?
  • How can I accept Jesus as my Savior?

These can be hard questions to answer on a child’s level, but they understand so much more than we as adults think. A complete, yet simple explanation is the ABCs:

A | Admit you are a sinner.

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


B | Believe Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead.

Romans 5:8

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


C | Choose to trust Jesus alone.

Romans 10:13

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.


Once your child understands these concepts and is asking to pray to become a believer, allow him to pray out loud in his own words.  There’s really no “right” way to pray or specific prayer to follow; instead, it has to do more with the child’s understanding and sincerity of heart.

After your child has prayed to ask Jesus to be part of his or her life, celebrate!!! He is now part of God’s family and will one day go to heaven. Make sure to share this with everyone at church, especially in CW Kids so we can celebrate too!

Start Here classes are offered quarterly for K!DS and their parents to attend together. We also have a K!DS baptism class offered before each baptism.

If you have questions, please email Renae Marcus at







