Worship is so much more than music; it’s a lifestyle. Worship can be found in things we do everyday. In everything we do, we point to God, and that’s worship. We can worship God everyday in our jobs, schools, and in our homes when we point to Him with our lives. We express our love and devotion to God, and that is worship. That being said, we at ChristWay use different media to help focus our worship experiences on God.

We use video on a regular basis to do everything from giving announcements to challenging us to think deeper about Christ and our relationship with him. In a culture where images drive our brains, we find that engaging that visual component wakes us up to how relevant Christ is to our culture and our day-to-day lives.

To enhance the experience of corporate worship from week to week, sound and lighting are used yet again to connect us not only as a worshipping congregation, but also to the world as a whole. We want your experience at ChristWay to be one that connects you to Jesus in a way you’ve never experienced before, but also one you’ll never forget.

In a culture saturated by music to the point that we isolate ourselves through iPods and cell phones, at ChristWay, we seek to come together in corporate worship of our loving, real Creator. We can take out the ear buds and join together through music in drawing closer to Christ. We use music as a means to direct our thoughts and even our emotions toward Christ, to worship Him in the middle of our circumstances, to focus on His Word and who He truly is.